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Empirische Methoden

Eine Einführung in die empirische Sozialforschung. Die Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung sind hochspezialisiert und können ein breites Spektrum an Aufgaben abdecken.

An introduction to empirical social research. The methods of empirical social research are highly specialized and capable of covering a wide range of tasks. They range from research logic and selection procedures to statistical data analysis. In this introduction course you will get to know the importance of sampling, learn the use and modify measurement instruments, and apply basic analysis methods. Based on your own project you will present and discuss the challenges you have within your research process and find appropriate solutions. This course requires initiative and curiosity for empirical research questions as well as a high degree of self-study, to apply what has been learned to one’s own project.


Hochschule Darmstadt
Architektur, Medien und Design




Dozentin & Seminarleitung
conception, lecturer, supervision